Underground Usa

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 264:00:14
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Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • The Far-Left Is Always Anti-Gun Until They Pull The Trigger

    16/09/2024 Duration: 37min

    If it were something to make light of, I would borrow a line from Ronald Reagan: “There you go again.” but it isn’t anything to be taken lightly. Another person, Ryan Wesley Routh, riddled with Trump Derangement Syndrome, has failed in an attempt to assassinate the former President and current presidential candidate.Routh, 58, a current resident of Hawaii and formerly of Greensboro, North Carolina, had an X account filled with posts trying to recruit people to fight for Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as pro-Hamas/anti-Israel content. Routh, The New York Post reported, frequently touted his do-gooder credentials and championed left-wing causes on social media.The assailant is in custody and being questioned after being apprehended by Martin County, Florida Sheriff’s Deputies. The FBI and Secret Service are involved in the investigation. An AK-47 rifle was found at the scene.Of course, we need to wait until all of the facts come out, but it wouldn’t be a stretch for a betting man to believe that the assailant is o

  • Debate Post-Mortem: It’s Time To Stop F*cking Around

    12/09/2024 Duration: 36min

    CAUTION: This episode contains strong language.Well, the second presidential sound-byte festival (presidential debate) is in the books, and I can say, without any hesitation, that the ABC News-sponsored “debate” was the worst-executed debate in presidential debate history. In fact, the only superlative that can be tossed at it is this: The moderators were so bad—so transparently and overtly in the tank for Kamala Harris—that they should lose their jobs, even at their Left-leaning network.First and foremost, we really shouldn’t be shocked that the result of the so-called debate (there wasn’t any actual “debate” that took place; it was just a series of lies and unsubstantiated charges from the Left unchallenged by Harris' adoring moderators), the result was pre-determined; pre-slated toward Harris. ABC and ABC News are owned by the Disney Corporation, which, let’s face it, hates the Right and conservatism with a seething arrogance only the most woke can appreciate.But to add insult to pre-scripted injury, as Th

  • Entire Generations Have No Idea Of The Terror

    11/09/2024 Duration: 03min

    Twenty-three years later, we now have at least two generations who were not alive during the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. While time inevitably moves forward, the fact that these generations exist without the experience and embracing an uneducated apathy towards threats to our Republic should be very concerning.Honestly, I am not blaming these generations (Gen Z and Gen Alpha) for their lack of knowledge of the attacks. They weren’t born yet, and in the case of some of the older members of Gen Z, they were too young to remember. Just like those not alive during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, it is impossible to understand the terror, vulnerability, and uncertainty that accompanied the attacks.What I can lay at their feet is this. In an age of immediate access to information and the in-depth documentation of the day’s events – and the events shortly afterward – there is no excuse for not understanding the threats posed by Islamofascist terror groups and their nation-state

  • Harris-Walz: Policies Steeped In Deceptive Fantasy

    09/09/2024 Duration: 36min

    Well, the Harris-Walz campaign finally published a page on its website outlining its policies. Of course, it’s interesting that they unveiled it less than 48 hours before the debate, so the mainstream media and social media platforms didn’t have time to dissect it. Not that the mainstream media complex would say anything other than “Kamala Marxism is awesome,” but I digress.After reading the attempt at refined word salad, it became apparent that the Harriz-Walz campaign – led by Obamaite David Plouffe – is really grasping at straws. They offer nothing but empty promises, which their past performance confirms they won't fulfill.Aside from the Harris campaign's disingenuous attempt to say Project 2025 is a Trump idea (it belongs to the Heritage Foundation, which has no affiliation with the Trump campaign), half of the crap on the Harris-Walz policy page is unattainable in its Marxism, the other half she could have enacted already but didn't and 100 percent of it is hollow rhetoric, refined and prettied-up word

  • Merchan Desperately Tries To Kamala-ize Himself

    07/09/2024 Duration: 25min

    Now comes news that Judge Juan Merchan, the judge in the ridiculous Trump “hush money” trial, has delayed sentencing in that case until after the November 5th General Election. Well, well, well… I guess he’s doing his best, “I was against fracking before I was for fracking,” Kamala-ala-ala-chameleon impersonation.Merchan tried like hell to distance himself from the negative ramifications of his wholly partisan and political persecution of Donald Trump, repercussions that saw even liberal legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz saying there was absolutely no basis for Alvin Bragg’s indictment to have come to trial. In his statement announcing the decision said:“Adjourning decision on the motion and sentencing, if such is required, should dispel any suggestion that the Court will have issued any decision or imposed sentence either to give an advantage to, or to create a disadvantage for, any political party and/or any candidate for any office…Unfortunately, we are now at a place in time that is fraught with complex

  • This Is How They Play The Game: They Cheat

    03/09/2024 Duration: 38min

    In the critical swing state of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be exact, supporters of Kamala Harris have created counterfeit posters that imply the Philadelphia Eagle, the NFL franchise for that city, endorses Kamala Harris. They do not.In fact, no NFL team has ever endorsed a presidential candidate in the league's history. While individual players, coaches, or owners may express their personal political views, the teams themselves strive to remain politically neutral and, for good reason, maintain a broad fan base and avoid alienating potential supporters.This is why smart people who live in the public eye – and that number is dwindling if you are not among the political class, refrain from openly wearing their politics on their sleeves. In 1990, when asked why he didn't speak out more on political issues, Michael Jordan, perhaps the most famous athlete of contemporary times, said, "Republicans buy sneakers too." He didn't want to risk alienating any potential customers or fans based on their

  • Kamala Harris: Channeling Her Inner John Kerry

    30/08/2024 Duration: 30min

    I want to touch on something that I will be writing about in the coming days: the Democrat Party’s advocacy of candidates taking both sides of every issue. It is becoming quite obvious that this is their game plan going into the 2024 General Election.If you watched the CNN Harris-Walz interview (and if you did, I feel your pain for not being able to get that time back), you have come to realize three things as fact.First, They are champions at not answering the questions asked.From the very first question about what she would do on day one when she answered that she had already laid out her policies (Really? Where? When? To who?) and then launched into touchy-feely joy platitudes peppered with the historically Marxist-based buzz word “forward,” to Tim Walz absolute avoidance of answering the question about his act of Stolen Valor by saying it was a grammar issue (for a former teacher he butchered the concept of grammar in equating it to blatantly lying), there wasn’t a solid answer to any of Dana – or da-nah,

  • And There You Have The Problem In A Nutshell

    27/08/2024 Duration: 35min

    For almost sixteen years I have been sounding the alarm about how a decidedly Marxist contingent has been increasingly taking over the Democrat Party. Today, I am – for lack of a better word for this sad development – pleased to notice that some in the Democrat ranks are waking up to this fact – and it is a fact – and walking away from that political party.Yes, we have seen high-profile Democrats leave – high-profile people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Ronald Reagan, Joe Manchin, Joe Lieberman, and Kristin Senema, to name but a few – and they captivated the headlines. But even with these high-level awakenings the Democrat Party has managed to put forth the most Marxist ticket in American history in Kamala Harris (whose father was a professor at Stanford University who literally taught courses on Marxism, and in a favorable light) and Tim Walz (whose glowing admiration for communist China has seen him travel there over thirty times and call socialism “neighborliness”).So, even with high-level awa

  • Is It Finally Time To Dismantle BigGovernment?

    23/08/2024 Duration: 36min

    The false flag effort by the Harris-Walz campaign – and the DNC – branding Harris supporters and campaign flacks as “joyful warriors” is one hell of a gaff. Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. The far-Left’s hatred for history and penchant for re-writing history makes them vulnerable to such blunders.Now, why do I call the joyful warrior label a blunder – and one of spectacular proportion? Because the “joy” element, as political terminology, was created by the Nazi Party during the short-lived era of the Weimar Republic.According to HistoryLearningSite.co.uk, the tagline “Strength Through Joy” was created in Nazi Germany so that the party monopolized all aspects of a worker’s non-working time.“Strength Through Joy” supervised after-work activities, holidays, and leisure time. “Strength Through Joy” served two primary purposes. The first was to ensure that no one had too much time on their hands to get involved in untoward activities against the state. There was a belief that idle hands might get inv

  • Vote So Your Grandchildren Don’t Hate You

    19/08/2024 Duration: 36min

    I find it astounding how the American people – and especially the American electorate – have allowed academia and the mainstream media complex to lead them by the nose down a path that finds them accepting the evils of Marxism. It sounds unbelievable, but it is true.Thirty-five years ago, the free world watched as the Communist Chinese Party ordered the slaughter of Chinese nationals in Tiananmen Square who dared to protest for their God-given right to freedom. We watched their tanks crush people, and the People's Liberation Army shoot the very people it was created to protect.And just 33 years ago, at the fall of the Soviet Union, Americans fully understood the dangers posed by Marxism. We all saw the totalitarian nature of a brutal Soviet regime; the oppression, the scarcity of food and medicine, and the lack of basic rights and opportunities afforded to the free world. We routinely watched as those attempting to escape East Germany over the Berlin Wall were shot and their families detained by the notorious

  • How Far Out Of Touch Are Harris & The Radical Left?

    16/08/2024 Duration: 33min

    The dystopian nature of the times we live in just keeps getting darker and darker, or at least the prospects of what can happen to our nation – and the world – do if the American people don’t wake up.The latest “let’s see how transparent I can make my Marxism” move from Kamala Harris is to proudly stand up for the Marxist concept of price controls. This new policy, rolled out at a carefully choreographed campaign rally, was even excoriated by, of all outlets, the “let’s run interference for the far-Left” Washington Post, where, paraphrasing their laughable tagline, democracy goes to die.In the piece, Catherine Rampell sounds as if she actually paid attention in her Econ 101 class:Government-mandated price controls are based on Marxism because they involve the state – the government – intervening in the market to set prices and allocate resources; a key tenet of Marxism.In a free market economy – such that we are supposed to have in the United States, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, a

  • ‘Plouffe' Isn't An X-Rated Word, But Maybe It Should Be

    12/08/2024 Duration: 41min

    If you thought the 2024 General Election would be predicated on how radical or unintelligent Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are, you are only considering the lesser of the things that the Democrat presidential ticket has going for it. Understanding that the Biden/Harris administration has been a figurehead administration – meaning that they have been puppets trotted out in front of the cameras and microphones (when they dared to come out of “the basement” – for a more radical and ruthlessly ideological cabal of puppet masters. If you are a regular reader or listener of Underground USA, then you know I am talking about Obama 2.0.This cabal is stepping out from the shadows to salvage what was a train wreck of a campaign for Harris and Walz, and their newest additions to the campaign team bear that out.Joining the Harris/Walz campaign are a number of Obama campaign retreads, but none more definitive than David Plouffe. Plouffe was Obama’s 2008 campaign manager and, from his station as White House senior adviser in 2

  • Time To Cleave The American Marxists From The Democrat Party

    09/08/2024 Duration: 33min

    I have long said that conservatives and Republicans have missed golden opportunities to create a fissure between the Progressives (who, in reality, are American Marxists, so that’s how I will refer to them from now on) and the Democrat Party; rank and file Democrats. Our current moment in time is one of those opportunities.American Marxists understand the “long game.” They have been playing it since the advent of Marxism in 1848. Marxism came into existence when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto, a pamphlet that discussed class struggles, the eventual collapse of the capitalist system, and its replacement by socialism and then communism. This has been the goal of the American Marxist – as incrementally instituted as it has been – since, at the very least, the administration of Woodrow Wilson.So, why do I say that we are experiencing a golden opportunity to create a wedge between the Democrat Party and the American Marxists who have infected it? Because today, through the eruptio

  • Hey, White Suburban Women! WTF?!

    03/08/2024 Duration: 35min

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to address the topic of this morning’s segment further: The force-feeding of the Woke agenda to the free world. I say this with a high degree of confidence. People who actually possess common sense have hit a saturation point with the bullshit the Woke Left is pushing on the people.From the crap science of man-made climate change – did you know that real science, science that you are allowed to challenge, has proven that CO2 is essential to the plant growth cycle, and that includes crops, i,e, food – from the crap science of man-made climate change to the force-feeding of the transgender fad as normal into the mainstream, the Woke obsession with redefining everything has exhausted the overwhelming majority of people around the free world.The straw that broke Kamala’s back was the International Olympic Committee’s decision to allow a biological male to box in the women’s boxing event. This decision crossed a line that only disillusioned ideological

  • The Lies Are Getting Obnoxiously Pathetic

    30/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to touch on a few things that debunk some of the asinine claims coming out of both the Harris campaign and the stunted intellects of the coastal elites. The overt lying about what can be promised and what will result in a Trump election must be put to bed as insanely untruthful. First, Biden claims that he is going to move constitutional amendments to address both the presidential immunity issue and “reform” (read: restructure) the US Supreme Court. Both of these claims are bullshit because there is a monumental process for achieving the passage of a constitutional amendment.If it were easy to enact a constitutional amendment, our nation would have been over long ago. This is specifically why the Framers (a much more intelligent group of individuals than any of the bubbleheads in Washington DC today – and in any sector or sphere) made it difficult to jack with the Constitution: To guard against the whims of idiots, morons, and transformative activ

  • Hello? Lawyers Of The Right? Bueller? Bueller?

    27/07/2024 Duration: 33min

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to ask a question. Why do the litigators of the Right never – ever – take a play out of the Left’s playbook? It’s confounding that the Right side of the political/ideological aisle is so delinquent in even taking the most minute steps to throw wrenches into the Marxist Left’s machine.Case in point, and this comes courtesy of Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi – who I find brilliant and honest. Included in the latest edition of her segment Lefty’s Losing It, Panahi features a few moments that focus on the fact that 34 percent of the registered Democrat voters believe – believe – that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was manufactured and staged by the Trump campaign for the purpose of political opportunism. The segment, linked here at UndergroundUSA.com, is absolutely worth the listen.In that section, Panahi features a social media post by the racist hate-monger Joy Reid of MSNBC, in which she declares that she believes there are too many

  • Moving Forward, It’s Alinsky Rule No. 8: Keep The Pressure On

    22/07/2024 Duration: 34min

    Maybe it’s because what I have been screaming for the last twenty years is finally being heard (the overnight show I am on is broadcast on Salem affiliate stations), or maybe not, but the notion that the Speaker of the House mentioned litigation regarding the Democrats' abandonment of their primary election-sanctioned nominee is a hopeful development.In a recent article, Alinsky Rule No. 4: Make The Enemy Live Up To Its Own Book Of Rules, I asked, “Where are the attorneys of the conservative movement? Shouldn’t they be filing a litany of lawsuits on behalf of the disenfranchised Democrat voters seeing to force the DNC to have fidelity to their own party rules?”House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), touched on this very thought immediately after the announcement by the White House (we still haven’t heard directly from Joe Biden) that Mr. Biden was standing down from the Democrat Party’s nomination for president in the 2024 election.As reported by Emily Hallas of The Washington Examiner:“During an interview Sunday

  • Is Biden ‘Keyser Söze-ing’ The Constitution On His Way Out?

    20/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    There is a scene in the movie The Usual Suspects, where Roger “Verbal” Kint (Kevin Spacey) describes how the illusive crime lord Keyser Söze lays waste to everything he holds dear simply to demonstrate that he was a “man of will.” One has to wonder if we aren’t seeing a Keyser Söze moment from the Obama 2.0 team as they begin to realize their ideological coup against our Constitutional Republic is exposed and about to fail.In the movie, Kint is detained by the police, offered immunity and (it appears) cooperating. He tells the legend of Söze and how he became so dedicated to ruthlessness and destruction.According to Wikipedia – and, frankly, this type of information is usually all Wikipedia is good for, given the Marxist “editors” who rule that platform with a totalitarian fist:“Söze began his criminal career as a small-time drug dealer. Horrifically though, one afternoon, while Söze is away from home, rival Hungarian gangsters attempt to intimidate him by taking his family hostage and raping his wife, then w

  • For The Love Of Baby Jesus, Fact-Check Yourselves, People!

    16/07/2024 Duration: 32min

    I want to discuss what we all must do to tamp down the fake news that has exploded onto the social media scene. It is cancerous to the point that the elitist mainstream media has fallen prey, quoting and using social media posts as if they were facts, triple-sourced by actual journalists.The fact of the matter is this. In the information age, when most people have smartphones with internet access, there is absolutely no excuse for not checking – at least in a cursory manner – to see if what you are posting, forwarding, re-posting, or retweeting isn’t fact-based. It takes less than ten seconds to highlight a subject and put it into a web browser to see what comes up.Case in point – and I have to admit some people I hold in high esteem have fallen to this. There is a popular sentiment being reposted across most social media platforms in the aftermath of the Trump assassination attempt that reads:“I think this goes without saying…but the chief of the @SecretService shouldn’t come from the company who sells Pepsi

  • The Insurrectionist Executive Branch

    13/07/2024 Duration: 26min

    Before we delve into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to bring your attention to a crucial matter that unfolded during recent congressional testimony. It pertains to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and the proposed legislation to restore gun ownership rights – Second Amendment rights – to veterans once they clear false claims of mental incompetence. This is a matter of significant importance and one that we all need to be aware of.This issue came to me courtesy of a brother of the badge (we’re both retired firefighters) via the Gun Owners of America X feed. To say the least, it is disturbing. At best, it is a fundamental usurpation of the Legislative Branch by an Executive Branch bureaucrat – under the shield of the Biden administration’s Department of Justice.This blatantly unconstitutional declaration was recently made during congressional testimony. Give this a listen:Given the recent US Supreme Court decision that reversed the Executive Branch’s abuse of regulatory powers under the guise

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